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What is it?

Wellbeing Tools
  • Meditation can offer peace, less stress & clarity.
  • Helps build emotional resilience & composure.
  • Promotes self-discovery & emotional growth.

Here's more detail

Published: 26/10/23


A woman meditating

Meditation or mindfulness can be a remarkable way of nurturing your emotional wellbeing. Life is filled with academic pressures, social complexities and personal growth, which may lead to stress and anxiety. Meditation can offer a powerful way to find inner peace and clarity amidst the chaos. It can act as a mental reset button, allowing you to take a break from the hustle and bustle and find a moment of calm reflection. 

Through meditation, you may learn to manage stress and reduce feelings of overwhelm. By focusing your mind and breathing deeply, you may gain valuable tools for handling challenging situations with composure. This practice can help you build emotional resilience, allowing you to bounce back from setbacks and face difficulties with a more balanced perspective. Furthermore, meditation can promote self-awareness, helping you better understand your thoughts and emotions. Through this journey of self-discovery, you can explore your feelings, gain insight into your behaviours and develop a stronger sense of who you are.

  • Learn more

    There are a huge range of meditation apps available: Headspace, Calm, Ten Percent Happier Meditation and Healthy Minds Program are particularly highly rated.

    Meditation and mindfulness techniques are increasingly being used to support good mental health, and research has shown that they can be helpful in managing a range of mental health problems.

    Mediation aims to quieten your mind and put you into a state of calm, stillness and rest. Mindfulness is a meditation technique which involves learning to be aware of what is happening in the present moment, without judgement.

    Many people find meditation and mindfulness to be helpful ways of managing stress, anxiety and other mental health-related difficulties.

    Follow the links below to learn more about meditation and mental health.

Some resources that may help:

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