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SoapBox Islington

Soapbox Landscape

What is it?

Local Services
Service Info
  • A centre for young people aged 13+ in Islington.
  • Offers regular drop-in sessions & daytime activities.
  • Free courses in music, radio production & digital skills.

Here's more detail

Published: 14/10/23

SoapBox Islington is a centre for young people aged 13 upwards, who live, study or work in Islington. We cover a wide range of activities including music, dance, tech, creative arts, digital and everything in between!

Our regular drop in sessions run from 4pm to 8pm weekdays during school term time with daytime activities on offer during holidays. We also organise trips and events over the weekends.

We have ongoing regular free courses in music production using Logic and Ableton, radio production, digital skills and loads more. To take one of these courses you will need to book to secure your place. Talk to staff to find out how to book and the start dates for courses.

Young people plan and produce a monthly performance evening that covers music, bands, spoken word, comedy, poetry, dance and any other performance medium that they are interested in. There is a Forum where young people shape what is on offer, discuss issues that are of interest or concern to them and come together to support the centre and each other.

We also have evenings of activities for autistic young people, people with learning disabilities and care leavers with dedicated support staff.

Our technology activities are focussed on cutting edge, giving you access to the tech and experts in their field, business professionals and other volunteers who can guide and advise you if this is the area you would like to explore as your career.

There is plenty of space to chill out, free wi fi, computers to use and staff for advice or help or a chat. If you need specialist support we can point you in the right direction.

Our programme of activities is constantly changing so keep an eye on social media, but best of all drop in and find out for yourself. Give SoapBox a try – you will be happy you did.

Phone: Soapbox 020 7527 5121 

Phone: Dragon Hall 020 7404 7274 




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