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What is it?

Wellbeing Tools
  • Friends can provide support, understanding & belonging
  • Strong friendships can enhance your self-esteem.
  • Lessons in empathy, conflict resolution & compromise

Here's more detail

Published: 26/10/23


A group of friends

Spending time with supportive friends can be really important for nurturing your emotional wellbeing. Life can be a whirlwind of emotions, with academic pressures, social changes and personal growth all happening at the same time. Having friends you can trust and confide in can make a world of difference. Friends can be emotional safety nets, offering support and understanding when you face challenges or simply need someone to talk to. They can also provide a sense of belonging and help combat feelings of loneliness or isolation.

Friendships are not just about having fun (although that’s a big part of it!), but they also play an important role in your development. Building and maintaining strong friendships can enhance your self-esteem, boost your confidence and improve your communication skills. Through your interactions with friends, you can learn lessons in empathy, conflict resolution and the art of compromise. These skills will serve you well not only in your personal life but also in your future relationships and career.

Some resources that may help:

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